Meet the Baron Leadership Team

Bob Dreisewerd

President and Chief Executive Officer

Bob joined Baron in 2006 and has over 30 years of experience in the commercial weather services industry. He is a 1991 graduate of the University of Missouri with a degree in Atmospheric Science. He spent the first 15 years of his career working directly in the field of commercial weather forecast services. While employed at Surface Systems, Inc, he served as a Staff Forecaster/Software Developer, Weather Services Manager, and Director of Operations. Bob was previously the Baron Chief Development Officer, providing leadership and direction on all corporate research and development of new and innovative weather detection technologies, weather data products, and weather display solutions. Notable examples include Baron Lynx, Baron GEN3 weather radar solutions, and the Baron Weather API. In his role as President and Chief Executive Officer, Bob is responsible for setting and executing the strategic, financial, and operational goals of the organization to foster the culture of weather innovation to achieve strong corporate growth and exceptional customer satisfaction.

Smarter Data
Exclusive products from our scientists turn freely available data into precise answers on the location, timing, and impacts of weather hazards.
Better Decisions
Our experts can empower you to reduce risk, mitigate disruptions, and avoid the unexpected with confidence.
Choose Baron
With over three decades of experience helping thousands of organizations weather nature's worst, our 24/7 team will always have your back!