Unsurprisingly, climate or water-related disasters are increasing in duration and frequency. But it might be surprising to learn that according to a 2021 WMO report on disaster statistics, weather, climate, or water-related disasters have occurred somewhere in the world every day for the last 50 years, causing 115 deaths and $202 million (US) in losses daily.
Weather calamities aren't nearly as costly or deadly for countries with an Early Warning System and the necessary resources and infrastructure. Unfortunately, not every person on Earth has the benefit of these preventative measures in place.
Countries without multi-hazard Early Warning Systems tend to be the least developed and the most fragile. When nature bares its fury, impoverished countries bear the brunt of these tragedies, with devastating consequences for their economies and, more importantly, loss of human life.
Changing Climate Consequences
Due to the impacts of climate change, we could see 4% of global annual economic output lost by 2050. A new study of 135 countries has estimated that these disasters would hit many poverty-stricken parts of the world disproportionately hard.
Fortunately, momentum for scaling up early warning systems is rising. The UN Development Program (UNDP) has launched a multi-country project. The system saves lives, protects livelihoods, and builds resilience in unpredictable weather events.
According to the World Meteorological Organization*, the “Early Warnings for All” program aims to protect everyone from dangerous weather, water, or climate events via a lifesaving EWS by the end of 2027.
Minimize Losses

An Early Warning System is especially important in developing countries or those without safety nets because these systems act as a lifeline in communities that are often densely populated and without adequate infrastructure.
These systems allow authorities and communities to receive timely alerts about impending weather hazards like hurricanes, floods, or droughts. Early Warning Systems may provide sufficient or even extra time to evacuate, prepare emergency response teams, and allocate resources ahead of time. Communities can also take preventative measures to minimize damage and loss of life.
Maximize Quality of Life
Extreme weather events aren’t just about the weather event itself. If there’s a lack of adequate housing before the event, a destructive episode means an even more pronounced lack of acceptable shelter. The same applies regarding limited access to healthcare and an additional lack of social safety nets, leading to further systemic breakdowns.
Many citizens living in impoverished regions rely on agriculture and tapping into local natural resources for their livelihoods, like fishing. An Early Warning System can provide farmers and fishermen with critical information about weather patterns, empowering them to make more educated decisions regarding planting, harvesting, and fishing. If severe weather is on the way, these agricultural communities can take the necessary actions to protect livestock or any equipment used in their livelihoods.
Agriculture is also a significant source of sustenance in many poor countries. Climate-related events like droughts, floods, and extreme temperatures can severely impact crop yields, leading to food shortages and increased poverty levels. By safeguarding agriculture, these systems contribute to overall food security and economic stability.
Ensure Public Health and Safety
An extreme weather event will not only destroy homes, livelihoods, and the landscape but also cause injuries and mental health issues and can spread disease. Weather disasters often bring increased risks for disease outbreaks and health emergencies. Poor sanitation, overcrowded living conditions, and limited healthcare access only exacerbate risks in developing countries.
An Early Warning System can identify potential hazards like waterborne diseases or heatwaves and then quickly take action to implement preventative actions. Early Warning Systems can enable authorities to take preventive measures by providing medical assistance and reducing the impact on the public’s health.
Establish Resilience and Reinforce Readiness
Building resilience in struggling countries requires international cooperation and support. A functional Early Warning System at the ready demonstrates a country's commitment to disaster risk reduction and preparedness—which can attract international support, funding, and aid from organizations and governments that want to help countries in distress build resiliency and more effectively recover from weather-related catastrophes.
Whether well-off, disadvantaged, or somewhere in between, Early Warning Systems help countries build resilience and strengthen their capacity to withstand future weather-related shocks via knowledge sharing, technical assistance, and financial resources. Ultimately, this proactive approach mitigates the long-term socio-economic impacts of extreme weather events and fosters sustainable development.
By facilitating preparedness and response planning at national, regional, and local levels, governments and communities can thus develop contingency plans, evacuation strategies, and emergency response mechanisms. Implementing these plans ensures countries can minimize the disastrous impact, handle emergencies, and recover quickly.
Communicating Climate Change Impacts

Early Warning Systems help identify and assess risks like natural disasters (e.g., floods, droughts, earthquakes), climate change impacts, and disease outbreaks. By collecting meteorological, hydrological, seismic, and social data and monitoring for potential hazards, these systems can provide early warnings and alerts to communities and decision-makers. These systems also ensure threats and alerts reach affected communities immediately. Communication channels include radio, television, mobile phones, and community-based networks.
Early Warning System Solutions
Baron Weather offers countries advanced components Early Warning System solutions. Baron provides:
Modeling Technology for Formidable Conditions
Baron's advanced, high-resolution models generate precision forecasts tailored to the unique weather dynamics of your operational area. We offer several options for managing local atmospheric or hydrological models that enable you to monitor weather situations or prepare alerts and notifications to mitigate risk. Our insights into rainfall accumulations, temperatures, wind patterns, storms, and more ensure you stay ahead of weather events to make informed decisions that protect people, property, and assets.
Scientifically Superior Doppler Radar
Exceptional forecasting is necessary when you or your team needs a comprehensive, real-time understanding of localized weather conditions. Doppler radar technology is an invaluable solution. Leveraging Baron's precise, high-resolution weather radar means you can optimize resource allocation, implement safety measures, and take the appropriate action based on the information provided.
Weather Visualization and Communication
Baron’s weather visualization tools provide intuitive, real-time maps of meteorological data, allowing decision-makers to monitor and track weather conditions easily. Climate change and its consequences are a reality for everyone on the planet. Together, we, as a collective, can “weather” any storm when embracing the power of technology, collaboration, and community.
Where Do You Start?

Baron offers cutting-edge solutions that harness the power of high-resolution models, visualization, and alerting, which can provide unparalleled weather intelligence tailored specifically for you. Baron delivers sustainable solutions with greater accuracy and long-term forecasts that enhance safety and preparedness for your country. We offer a consultative sales approach to guide you through the process. Working with us is simple: You’ll talk with an expert to discuss what problems weather poses to your operation and how data can help alleviate those. Then, we’ll ensure you get the weather solution that meets your requirements and solves your weather challenges – within an agreed-upon budget.