Baron Weather today announced Marc Krasner's acceptance to the Esri Partner Advisory Council (PAC). Krasner, the vice president of Enterprise, will serve a three-year term as a representative.

The PAC, established in 2010, serves as an advisory body for partnering at Esri. Membership on this council is offered to only a select number of partner thought leaders that meet rigorous criteria for nomination including senior leadership in their organization, current engagement in the partner ecosystem, a clear business strategy, and technology alignment with Esri. PAC members are committed to being advocates for the partner community and providing feedback and input on the strategic direction of the partner program to optimize how partners do business with Esri.
“I am honored and eager to join the Esri Partner Advisory Council,” said Krasner, Baron’s vice president of Enterprise. “Esri has been a leader in the geospatial industry for decades. I look forward to representing Baron Weather and working with other members to shape the program’s future.”
Baron Weather is a Silver partner in the Esri Partner Network. As a participant in the network, Baron brings expertise in weather radar development and operations, weather and water modeling, and operational meteorology to provide powerful insights that enable confident data-driven decisions. Baron provides three convenient packages, Essentials, Major Perils, and Historical, to help users interpret, analyze, and integrate weather information. Flash Flood Risk guidance is also available for display as a layer. The company, which supports customers with dynamic content by leveraging ArcGIS technology, provides the ability to create a dashboard for user insights.