Kazakhstan selected Baron Weather, the worldwide leader in critical weather intelligence, to provide cutting-edge radar technology to serve as the foundation of its weather modernization program. Baron delivered and installed two powerful dual-polarization weather radars and four Baron Lynx Advanced Forecaster Workstations to improve early warning and forecasting.The country’s National Hydrometeorological Service will use the high-quality data from the radars to detect and forecast weather with greater precision. The radars will allow for earlier detection of weather threats, resulting in the ability to provide more timely and accurate warnings. Citizens will have more advanced notice and more reliable information to take action to protect their safety before dangerous weather and climate events occur. In November 2021, Baron Radar Technicians installed two 1-million-watt klystron C-band dual-polarization radars.
The 1-million-watt radars are among the most powerful on the market, providing the most extended signal range. Data from radars will allow staff with the National Hydrometeorological Service to better forecast all weather conditions, including dangerous events that are a significant concern in Kazakhstan, like blizzards and floods.

Four Baron Lynx Advanced Forecaster Workstations were installed to visualize and analyze the radar data. One Lynx workstation is positioned near each radar site, and two are at the National Hydrometeorological Service headquarters. These workstations will allow in-depth radar data analysis to create early warning alerts and forecasts.
The Baron radars feature CLEAN-AP clutter™ suppression technology, available exclusively through a partnership with the University of Oklahoma, that delivers a more precise display of weather targets. The radars also include Baron's patented Multi-radial Calibration. This groundbreaking technology calibrates the radars with every sweep, ensuring they are always accurate and providing clean, precise data.
While in Kazakhstan, the Baron installers and trainers provided in-depth training on the operation and use of the radars and hands-on training for the Baron Lynx systems.