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Air Quality Air Quality - Current Ozone Ozone Level 200 350 2 km CONUS air-quality-current-ozone
Air Quality Air Quality - Current Ozone & Particulate Matter Ozone and Particulate Matter 200 350 2 km CONUS air-quality-current-ozone-pm
Air Quality Air Quality - Current Particulate Matter Particulate Matter 200 350 2 km CONUS air-quality-current-pm
Air Quality Air Quality Index Air Quality Index Forecast 200 350 15 km CONUS air-quality-index
Air Quality Air Quality Ozone Index Ozone Forecast 200 350 15 km CONUS air-quality-ozone
Air Quality Air Quality Particulate Matter Particulate Matter Forecast 200 350 15 km CONUS air-quality-pm25
Air Quality Air Quality Visual Range Visual Range Forecast 200 350 15 km CONUS air-quality-visual-range
Astronomy Data Moon Events Moon Events 100 200 na Global moon/events
Astronomy Data Moon Phase Moon Phase 100 200 na Global moon/phase
Astronomy Data Sun Events Sun Events 100 200 na Global sun/events
Astronomy Data Sun Position Sun Position 100 200 na Global sun/position
Aviation Products AIREPs and PIREPs AIREPs and PIREPs 200 350 Individual Reports CONUS aircraft_report
Aviation Products AIRMET & SIGMET (global) AIRMETs and SIGMETs (Global) 200 350 Individual Reports Global airmets-and-sigmets; airmets_and_sigmets
Aviation Products AIRMET & SIGMET (domestic) AIRMETs and SIGMETs (US) 200 350 Individual Reports CONUS airsigmet
Aviation Products Airports Airports 200 350 Individual Reports Global airport
Aviation Products Area Forecasts Aviation Area Forecasts 200 350 Individual Reports CONUS area_forecasts
Aviation Products Current Icing Potential Current Icing Potential 200 350 13km CONUS icing-cip-#kft-msl
Aviation Products Baron Flight Cross Section Flight Cross Section 500 800 56 km Global xsection
Aviation Products Forecast Flight Rules Forecast Flight Rules - Baron 200 350 3km CONUS baron-hires-flightrules
Aviation Products Global Hi-Res Icing Severity (Forecast) Icing Severity Forecast 300 350 28 km Global wafs-hires-icing-fl###
Aviation Products Global Hi-Res Turbulence (Forecast) Turbulence Forecast 300 400 28 km Global wafs-hires-turbulence-fl###
Aviation Products NOTAMS NOTAMs 200 350 Individual Reports Global notam
Aviation Products Significant Weather Chart (SIGWX) Significant Weather Charts 200 350 Variable Global sigwx###
Aviation Products Supercooled Large Droplet Super Cooled Large Droplets 200 350 13 km CONUS icing-sld-#kft-msl
Aviation Products TAF TAFs 200 350 Individual Station reports Global taf
Aviation Products TFR (Temporary flight restrictions) TFRs 200 350 Individual reports CONUS tfr
Aviation Products Turbulence Turbulence Forecast 200 350 13 km CONUS turbulence-#kft-msl
Aviation Products Winds and Temps Aloft Winds and Temperatures Aloft (CONUS) 200 350 Individual station locations CONUS winds_and_temperatures_aloft
Aviation Products Volcanic Eruption Volcanic Eruptions 200 350 Variable Global volcanic-eruption; volcanic_eruption
Aviation Products WAFS - CB Base/Top/Extent Storm Tops Forecast; Storm Extent Forecast; Storm Base Forecast 200 350 .25 degree Global wafs-hires-cb-#-#-agl
Drought Products 1 year % of Normal Rainfall Normal Rainfall – 1 Year Percentage 200 350 4 km CONUS C09-0x0391-0
Drought Products 1 Year Drought Severity Index Drought Severity – 1 Year 200 350 4 km CONUS C09-0x0393-0
Drought Products 30 day % of Normal Rainfall Normal Rainfall – 30 Day Percentage 200 350 4 km CONUS C09-0x0390-0
Drought Products 30 day Drought Severity Index Drought Severity – 30 Day 200 350 4 km CONUS C09-0x0392-0
Drought Products Drought Monitor Drought Monitor 200 350 2 km CONUS drought-monitor
Drought Products NDVI Greenness Greenness 200 350 1 km CONUS usgs-ndvi-greenness
Drought Products NDVI Relative Greenness Relative Greenness 200 350 1 km CONUS usgs-ndvi-relative-greenness
Everyday Data 24 Hour Temperature Change 24 Hour Temperature Change 200 350 10 km CONUS C39-0x0356-0
Everyday Data Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Wet Bulb Globe Temperature 200 350 10 km CONUS C09-0x033B-0
Everyday Data Hi Res Current Air Temperature Air Temperature 200 350 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EA-0
Everyday Data Hi Res Current Dew Point Temperature Dew Point Temperature 200 350 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EB-0
Everyday Data Hi Res Current Wind Chill Temperature Wind Chill Temperature 200 350 3 km CONUS C39-0x03ED-0
Everyday Data Hi Res Current Heat Index Temperature Heat Index Temperature 200 350 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EC-0
Everyday Data Hi Res Current Humidity Humidity 200 350 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EE-0
Everyday Data Hi Res Current Wind Speed Wind Speed 200 350 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EF-0
Everyday Data UV Forecast UV Forecast 200 350 27 km Global uvindex-global
Fire Weather Products Fire Potential Index Days 1-7 Fire Potential Index Forecast 200 350 1 km CONUS usgs-wfpi-day#
Fire Weather Products Fire Spread Probability Fire Spread Probability Forecast 200 350 1 km CONUS usgs-wfpi-spread-day#
Fire Weather Products SPC Day 1 Fire Weather Outlook Fire Weather Outlook Day 1 200 350 5 km CONUS spc-day#-fire
Fire Weather Products SPC Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook Fire Weather Outlook Day 2 200 350 5 km CONUS spc-day#-fire
Fire Weather Products Fire/Smoke/Ash plumes Fire/Smoke/Ash 200 350 4 km CONUS C09-0x0396-0
Fire Weather Products HRRR Smoke Smoke Forecast 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-smoke-surface
Fire Weather Products Large Fire Probability Days 1 - 7 Large Fire Probability 200 350 1 km CONUS usgs-wfpi-large-day#
Flooding Data WPC Day 1 Excessive Rainfall Outlook Excessive Rainfall Outlook 200 350 5 km CONUS wpc-day#-excessive-rainfall
Flooding Data WPC Day 2 Excessive Rainfall Outlook Excessive Rainfall Outlook 200 350 5 km CONUS
Flooding Data WPC Day 3 Excessive Rainfall Outlook Excessive Rainfall Outlook 200 350 5 km CONUS
Flooding Data Baron Flash Flood Risk Forecast Flash Flood Risk Forecast 400 350 3 km CONUS flash-flood-risk
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 1 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 3 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 6 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 12 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 24 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 48Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 72Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 120Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 168Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 1 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 3 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 6 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 12 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 24 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 48Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 72Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 120Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Hi Resolution 168Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 200 350 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Flooding Data Level II - Dual Polarization 3 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Rainfall Accumulation - Single-Site 200 350 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x056F-0
Flooding Data Level II - Dual Polarization 6 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Rainfall Accumulation - Single-Site 200 350 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x0570-0
Flooding Data Level II - Dual Polarization 12 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Rainfall Accumulation - Single-Site 200 350 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x0571-0
Flooding Data Level II - Dual Polarization 24 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Rainfall Accumulation - Single-Site 200 350 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x0572-0
Flooding Data Storm Surge Storm Surge 200 350 CONUS meters potential-storm-surge
Lightning Lightning Lightning 500 Strike by Strike Global lightning; lightning_alt
Lightning Lightning Heat Map Lightning Heat Map 500 800 Density Global lightning-heatmap-global; lightning-heatmap-conus
Marine Products Chlorophyll Chlorophyll 200 350 4.6 km Global chlorophyll
Marine Products Marine coastal water forecasts Marine Zones - Coastal 200 350 na US Coastal Waters mz-coastal
Marine Products Global Ocean Currents Speed Ocean Currents - Speed 200 350 9 km Global oceancurrent-speed-kts-surface
Marine Products Global Ocean Currents Vector Ocean Currents - Vector 200 350 9 km Global oceancurrent-vector-surface
Marine Products Global Sea Surface Temperatures (F and C) Sea Surface Temperatures (Global) 200 350 4.6 km Global seatemp-f-surface; seatemp-c-surface
Marine Products Northern Hemisphere Sea Surface Temperatures (F and C) Sea Surface Temperatures (US) 200 350 1 km Atlantic/Pacific seatemp-conus-f-surface; seatemp-conus-c-surface
Marine Products Marine Forecasts - Canada Marine Zone Forecasts 200 350 Marine Zones Canadian Coastal Waters forecast/marine
Marine Products Marine Offshore Marine Zones - Offshore 200 350 Defined Area US Coastal Waters mz-offshore
Marine Products Sea Ice Sea Ice 200 350 9km Global seaice
Marine Products Ship Reports Ship Reports 200 350 na Global ship
Marine Products Wave Direction with (near shore correction) Wave Direction 200 350 4 km Global wavedirection
Marine Products Wave Height in M and FT (with near shore correction) Wave Height 200 350 4 km Global waveheight-ft; waveheight-m
Marine Products Wave Period (with near shore correction) Wave Period 200 350 4 km Global waveperiod-s
Observations Almanac Data Almanac 200 350 na CONUS almanac
Observations Buoys Buoys 200 350 na Global buoy; buoy_alt
Observations Japan AMEDAS Current Conditions (Japan) 200 350 na Japan sensors/jma
Observations METARs Current Conditions/METARs (Global) 200 350 Airports Global metar
Observations Earthquake Earthquake 200 350 na Global earthquake
Observations Global METARS 200 350 Global
Observations Fog Fog 200 350 10 km CONUS C39-0x0347-0
Observations Local Storm Reports Local Storm Reports (US) 200 350 na CONUS lsr
Observations Power Outages – County Percentage Power Outage Percentage (US County) 200 500 na CONUS pwr-outage-county-percent
Observations Power Outages – County Total Power Outage Total (US County) 200 500 na CONUS pwr-outage-county-total
Observations Power Outages – State Percentage Power Outage Percentage (US State) 200 500 na CONUS pwr-outage-state-percent
Observations Power Outages – State Total Power Outage Total (US State) 200 500 na CONUS pwr-outage-state-total
Observations CWOP Sensor Reports - Unofficial 200 500 na CONUS cwop
Radar Imagery Alaska Radar Mosaic Alaskan Radar 200 350 4 km Alaska C09-0x0340-0
Radar Imagery Australian Radar Austalian Radar 200 350 2 km Australia C50-0x030F-0
Radar Imagery Canadian Radar Composite Reflectivity Canadian Radar 200 350 1 km Canada C09-0x0305-0
Radar Imagery Canadian Radar Composite Reflectivity Canadian Radar 200 350 2 km Canada C01-0x0306-0
Radar Imagery Global Satellite Derived Reflectivity - CONUS Clipped Global Derived Radar - Clipped 500 4 km Global C09-0x0395-0
Radar Imagery Global Satellite Derived Reflectivity Global Derived Radar 500 4 km Global C09-0x0374-0
Radar Imagery Hawaii Radar Mosaic Hawaiian Radar 200 350 4 km Hawaii C09-0x0342-0
Radar Imagery North American Radar Mosaic North American Radar 300 400 1 km US, PR and Canada north-american-radar
Radar Imagery CONUS Futurescan Future Radar 300 500 1 km CONUS C39-0x0309-0
Radar Imagery Netherlands Radar Netherlands Radar 200 350 1 km Netherlands nld-reflectivity
Radar Imagery Level III - Maximum Reflectivity Composite US Standard Radar 200 350 2 km CONUS C39-0x0302-0
Radar Imagery Level III - Maximum Reflectivity Composite US Standard Radar (15-Minute Trial Version) 200 350 2 km CONUS C39-0x0302-0.15min
Radar Imagery Level II - Super Resolution Base Reflectivity (Tilts 1-4) Radar - Single-Site 200 350 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x0466-{tilt}; {site}-0x0466-{tilt}-N
Radar Imagery Level II - De-Aliased Base Radial Velocity Velocity - Single-Site 200 350 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x0422-{tilt}
Road Weather Road Temperature Pavement Temperature 500 800 1 km CONUS pavement-temp-current
Road Weather Current Threats Driver Threats 500 800 7 km CONUS W01-0x0331-0
Road Weather Current Weather Driver Weather 500 800 7 km CONUS W01-0x0304-0
Road Weather Baron 72 hour forecast road conditions Road Conditions Forecast 500 800 1 km CONUS/S. Canada road-condition
Road Weather Hi Resolution Current Road Conditions High-Res Road Conditions 500 800 1 km CONUS road-condition-current-hires
Road Weather Baron 72 hour pavement temperature forecast Pavement Temperature Forecast 500 800 1 km CONUS/S. Canada pavement-temp-#
Satellite Imagery Blended Visible/IR Satellite Blended Visible/IR Satellite 200 350 4 km CONUS SA3-0x0345-0
Satellite Imagery Worldwide IR satellite Infrared Satellite (Global) 200 350 10 km Global C09-0x0316-0
Satellite Imagery GOES 16 CONUS Visible Satellite Visible Satellite (GOES-East) 200 350 1/2 km goes-east-fulldisk-hires-visible
Satellite Imagery GOES 16 CONUS Infrared Satellite Infrared Satellite (GOES-East) 200 350 2 km goes-east-fulldisk-hires-ir
Satellite Imagery GOES 16 CONUS Water Vapor Satellite Water Vapor (GOES-East) 200 350 2 km goes-east-conus-water-vapor
Satellite Imagery GOES 17 West Coast Visible Satellite Visible Satellite (GOES-West) 200 350 1/2 km goes-west-fulldisk-hires-visible
Satellite Imagery GOES 17 West Coast Infrared Satellite Infrared Satellite (GOES-West) 200 350 2 km goes-west-fulldisk-hires-ir
Satellite Imagery GOES 17 West Coast Water Vapor Satellite Water Vapor (GOES-West) 200 350 2 km goes-west-pacific-water-vapor
Severe Weather Data Level II - Shear Rate Damaging Wind - Single-Site 1/2 degree X 1/4 km X 256 colors 150 miles {site}-0x0575-{tilt}
Severe Weather Data SPC Day 1 and Day 2 Wind Outlook Damaging Wind Probability 200 350 na CONUS spc-day#-wind
Severe Weather Data SPC Day 1 and Day 2 Hail Outlook Large Hail Probability 200 350 na CONUS spc-day#-hail
Severe Weather Data CONUS Baron Shear Markers Critical Weather Indicators 300 500 Red = Tilt 1 / Yellow = Tilts 2-4 CONUS shear_marker
Severe Weather Data National Moaic - Shear Rate Damaging Wind 300 500 1 km X 256 colors CONUS C39-0x0387-0
Severe Weather Data National Moaic - Shear Swath Damaging Wind Path 300 500 1 km X 256 colors CONUS C39-0x03A1-0
Severe Weather Data National Moaic - Hail Swath Severe Hail Path 300 500 1 km X 256 colors CONUS C39-0x038A-0
Severe Weather Data Level III - Baron Button Severe Threats - Single-Site 300 500 1 km X 16 colors 150 miles {site}-0x0265-0
Severe Weather Data SPC Day 1 Outlook Severe Weather Probability 200 350 na CONUS spc-day#-outlook
Severe Weather Data SPC Day 2 Outlook Severe Weather Probability 200 350 na CONUS
Severe Weather Data SPC Day 3 Outlook Severe Weather Probability 200 350 na CONUS
Severe Weather Data Level III - Echo Tops Composite Storm Tops 200 350 1 km X 16 colors CONUS C39-0x0311-0
Severe Weather Data NWS Storm Vectors Storm Vectors – Response Format; Storm Vectors – Request Parameters 300 350 CONUS stormvector
Severe Weather Data Baron Storm Vectors Storm Vectors – Response Format; Storm Vectors – Request Parameters 300 350 CONUS stormvector
Severe Weather Data SPC Day 1 and Day 2 Tornado Outlook Tornado Probability 200 350 na CONUS spc-day#-tornado
Severe Weather Data Level III - VIL Density Composite Hail Size 300 500 1 km X 16 colors CONUS C39-0x0310-0
Surface Analysis Surface Analysis US Surface Analysis (US) 200 350 na CONUS surface-analysis
Surface Analysis Surface Analysis Northern Hemisphere Surface Analysis (Northern Hemisphere) 200 350 na Northern Hemisphere surface-analysis-alt
Tropical Data Baron Hurricane Index (BHI) Baron Hurricane Index 200 350 4 km Western Hemisphere baron-hurricane-index
Tropical Data Hurricane Hunter Hurricane Hunter 200 350 Atlantic and Pacific Ocean tropical/hurricane_hunter/us/all
Tropical Data 50kt Wind/Tropical Storm/Hurricane Wind Probability 50 Knot Wind Probability 200 350 2.5 km CONUS nhc-probability-50kt-wind
Tropical Data 50kt Wind - Atlantic Ocean 50 Knot Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean 200 350 2.5 km Atlantic Ocean nhc-atlantic-probability-50kt-wind
Tropical Data 50kt Wind - Pacific Ocean 50 Knot Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean 200 350 2.5 km Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean nhc-pacific-probability-50kt-wind
Tropical Data NHC Hurricane Force Wind Probability Hurricane Force Wind Probability 200 350 2.5 km Atlantic and Pacific Ocean nhc-probability-hurricane
Tropical Data NHC Hurricane Force Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean Hurricane Force Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean 200 350 2.5 km Atlantic Ocean nhc-atlantic-probability-hurricane
Tropical Data NHC Hurricane Force Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean Hurricane Force Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean 200 350 2.5 km Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean nhc-pacific-probability-hurricane
Tropical Data NHC Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability 200 350 2.5 km Atlantic and Pacific Ocean nhc-probability-tropical-storm
Tropical Data NHC Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean 200 350 2.5 km Atlantic Ocean nhc-atlantic-probability-tropical-storm
Tropical Data NHC Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean 200 350 2.5 km Pacific Ocean nhc-pacific-probability-tropical-storm
Tropical Data Location, path, and fan Tropical Track Cone Forecast 200 350 na tropical/cone_forecast/us/all; tropical-cone-forecast-us; tropical/cone_forecast; tropical-cone-forecast
Tropical Data Forecast TPW (Total Precipitable Water) Precipitable Water 200 350 4 km Equator to 71N lat, -30 to -150 lon precipitablewater-in-total; precipitablewater-mm-total
Tropical Data Forecast SAL (Saharian Air Layer) Saharan Dust 200 350 10 km Western Hemisphere dust-10mb
Tropical Data NOAA Storm Surge (SLOSH) Storm Surge 200 350 Meters CONUS potential-storm-surge
Tropical Data Tropical Storm and Hurricane Track History Historical Tropical Track Cone Forecasts 200 350 na Atlantic and Pacific Ocean tropical/tropical_history/us/all
Tropical Data Spaghetti Plots Tropical Track Models Forecast 200 350 na Atlantic and Pacific Ocean tropical-spaghetti-plot-us; tropical/spaghetti_plot/us/all
Tropical Data Global Tropical Cyclone Position, Track, and Cone Global Tropical Track Cone Forecast 200 350 na Global tropical/cone_forecast; tropical-cone-forecast
Watches and Warnings All Watches and Warnings - Graphical NWS Watches and Warnings - Graphical 200 350 County CONUS alert-all-poly; alert-poly; alert-all; alert-marine
Watches and Warnings All Watches and Warnings - Text NWS Watches and Warnings - Text 200 350 County CONUS alert
Watches and Warnings Tropical Storm and Hurricane Position and Track X01
Watches and Warnings Tropical Storm and Hurricane Position and Track X01
Watches and Warnings Aviation Products X01
Watches and Warnings HPC Surface Analysis and Forecast X01
Watches and Warnings COAMPS Model Data X01
Winter Weather Blowing Snow Impact Blowing Snow Impact 200 350 2.5 km CONUS Days 1-3: wpc-wssi-day1-3-blowing-snow; For Day 1: wpc-wssi-day1-blowing-snow; For Day 2: wpc-wssi-day2-blowing-snow; For Day 3: wpc-wssi-day3-blowing-snow
Winter Weather Flash Freeze Impact Flash Freeze Impact 200 350 2.5 km CONUS wpc-wssi-day#-flash-freeze
Winter Weather Ground Blizzard Impact Ground Blizzard Impact 200 350 2.5 km CONUS wpc-wssi-day#-ground-blizzard
Winter Weather Ice Accumulation Impact Ice Accumulation Impact 200 350 2.5 km CONUS wpc-wssi-day#-ice-accum
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 1 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 3 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 6 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 12 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 24 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 48 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 72 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 120 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Hi Resolution 168 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 300 500 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Winter Weather Winter Storm Severity Index (WSSI) Winter Storm Impact 200 350 2.5 km CONUS wpc-wssi-day#
Winter Weather Snow Amount Impact Snow Amount Impact 200 350 2.5 km CONUS wpc-wssi-day#-snow-amount
Winter Weather Snow Depth Snow Depth 200 350 1 km CONUS C39-0x030E-0
Winter Weather Snow Load Impact Snow Load Impact 200 350 2.5 km CONUS wpc-wssi-day#-snow-load
Australian Products Max Reflectivity Australian Radar - Composite 350 500 1 km Australia aus-max-reflectivity
Australian Products Base Reflectivity Australian Radar 350 500 1 km Australia aus-base-reflectivity
Australian Products Echo Tops Storm Tops (Australia) 350 500 1 km Australia aus-echo-tops
Australian Products RBF Wind Speed Wind Speed (Australia) 350 500 1 km Australia aus-windspeed
Australian Products RBF Wind Gust Wind Gust (Australia) 350 500 1 km Australia aus-gust
Australian Products Total Accumulation (1,3,6,12,24,48,72,96,120,144 and 168 hours) Precipitation Rate (Australia) 350 500 1 km Australia aus-precip-totalaccum-#hr
Australian Products 6 Hour Flood Potential Flood Potential - 6 Hour (Australia) 350 500 1 km Australia aus-precip-annual-pct-6hr
Australian Products Hail Size Hail Size (Australia) 350 500 1 km Australia aus-hail-size
Australian Products Severe Weather Severe Threats (Australia) 350 500 1 km Australia aus-severe-wx
Australian Products Australian Precip Rate Precipitation Rate (Australia) 350 500 1km Australia aus-precip-rate
Baron High-Res Cumulus Bottom Cumulus Cloud Base - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-cumulusbottom-#-agl
Baron High-Res Cumulus Top Cumulus Cloud Top - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-cumulustop-#-agl
Baron High-Res Lightning Lightning - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-lightning#
Baron High-Res Snow Accumulation Snow Accumulation - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-snowaccum-in-#
Baron High-Res Clouds Clouds - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-cloud-#
Baron High-Res Convective Energy Needed Convective Energy Needed - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-cin-jkg-surface
Baron High-Res Dew Point Near Surface Dew Point Near Surface - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-dewpoint-f-surface
Baron High-Res Feels Like Temperature Feels Like Temperature - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-feelslike-f-2meter
Baron High-Res Freezing Rain Accumulation Freezing Rain Accumulation - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-fzraccum-in-surface
Baron High-Res Hail Forecast Hail Forecast - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-haildiameter
Baron High-Res Maximum 24 Hour Surface Wind Speeds Maximum 24 Hour Surface Wind Speeds - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-windspeed-max-mph-10meter
Baron High-Res Precipitation Accumulation Precipitation Accumulation - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-precipaccum-in-surface
Baron High-Res Precipitation Forecast Precipitation - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-maxreflectivity-dbz-all
Baron High-Res Precipitation Rate Precipitation Rate - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-preciprate-inph-surface
Baron High-Res Relative Humidity Relative Humidity - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-relhumidity-#mb
Baron High-Res Severe Weather Potential Severe Weather Potential - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-cape-jkg-surface
Baron High-Res Sleet Accumulation Sleet Accumulation - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-sleetaccum-in-surface
Baron High-Res Storm Motion Storm Motion - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-ehi-surface
Baron High-Res Storm Rotation Potential Storm Rotation Potential - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-updrafthelicity
Baron High-Res Storm Tops Storm Tops - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-echotops-#-msl
Baron High-Res Surface Pressure Surface Pressure - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-pressure-mb-surface
Baron High-Res Surface Visibility Surface Visibility - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-visibility-miles-surface
Baron High-Res Surface Wind Gust Surface Wind Gust - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-gust-mph-10meter
Baron High-Res Temperature Temperature - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-temp-f-#
Baron High-Res Updraft Potential Updraft Potential - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-srh-jkg-0-1km
Baron High-Res Visibility Miles Visibility Miles - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-visibility-miles-surface
Baron High-Res Wet Bulb Wet Bulb - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-wetbulb-f-2meter
Baron High-Res Wet Bulb Globe Wet Bulb Globe - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-wetbulbglobe-f-2meter
Baron High-Res Wind Speed Wind Speed - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-windspeed-mph-#
Baron High-Res Wind Vector Wind Vector - Baron 300 500 3 km CONUS baron-hires-windvector-#
Global Winds and Temperatures Aloft Winds and Temperatures Aloft – GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-winduv-temp-c-#kft-msl
Global 24 Hour Maximum Surface Visibility 24 Hour Maximum Surface Visibility - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-visibility-max-miles-surface
Global 24 Hour Minimum Surface Visibility 24 Hour Minimum Surface Visibility - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-visibility-min-miles-surface
Global Atmospheric Energy Atmospheric Energy - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-absv-hz-500mb
Global Atmospheric Instability Atmospheric Instability - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-best-lifted-index-k-surface
Global Cloud Cover Cloud Cover - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-cloud-#
Global Convective Energy Needed Convective Energy Needed - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-cin-jkg-surface
Global Freezing Level Freezing Level - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-geohgt-gpm-frzlvl
Global Freezing Level In Feet Freezing Level In Feet - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-geohgt-ft-frzlvl
Global Freezing Rain Accumulation Freezing Rain Accumulation - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-fzraccum-in-surface
Global Liquid Accumulation Liquid Accumulation - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-liquidaccum-in-surface
Global Max Temperature Near Surface Max Temperature Near Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-maxtemp-f-2meter
Global Maximum Relative Humidity Maximum Relative Humidity - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-relhumidity-max-surface
Global Min Temperature Near Surface Min Temperature Near Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-mintemp-f-2meter
Global Minimum Relative Humidity Minimum Relative Humidity - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-relhumidity-min-surface
Global Precipitation Rate Precipitation Rate - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-preciprate-inph-surface
Global Pressure at Surface Pressure at Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-pressure-mb-surface
Global Relative Humidity Above Surface Relative Humidity Above Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-relhumidity-#mb
Global Relative Humidity at Freezing Level Relative Humidity at Freezing Level - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-relhumidity-frzlvl
Global Relative Humidity At Surface Relative Humidity At Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-relhumidity-surface
Global Severe Weather Potential Severe Weather Potential - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-cape-jkg-surface
Global Sleet Accumulation Sleet Accumulation - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-sleetaccum-in-surface
Global Snow Accumulation Snow Accumulation - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-snowaccum-in-surface
Global Surface Visibility Surface Visibility - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-visibility-miles-surface
Global Surface Wind Gusts Surface Wind Gusts - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-gust-mph-10meter
Global Temperature Above Surface Temperature Above Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-temp-f-#mb
Global Temperature At Various Altitudes Temperature At Various Altitudes - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-temp-c-#kft-msl
Global Temperature Near Surface Temperature Near Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-temp-f-2meter
Global Vertical Motion Vertical Motion - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-verticalvelocity-ubs-700mb
Global Wind Speed at Various Altitudes Wind Speed at Various Altitudes - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-windspeed-kts-#kft-msl
Global Wind Speed Near Surface Wind Speed Near Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-windspeed-mph-10meter
Global Wind Vector at Various Altitudes Wind Vector at Various Altitudes - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-halfdeg-windvector-#kft-msl
Global Wind Vector Near Surface Wind Vector Near Surface - GFS 200 350 54 km Global gfs-windvector-10meter
Rapid-Refresh Precipitation Accumulation Precipitation Accumulation - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-precipaccum-in-surface
Rapid-Refresh Sleet Accumulation Sleet Accumulation - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-sleetaccum-in-surface
Rapid-Refresh Snow Accumulation Snow Accumulation - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-snowaccum-in-surface
Rapid-Refresh Dew Point Dew Point - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-dewpoint-f-surface
Rapid-Refresh Freezing Rain Accumulation Freezing Rain Accumulation - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-fzraccum-in-surface
Rapid-Refresh Precipiation Forecast Precipiation Forecast - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-maxreflectivity-dbz-all
Rapid-Refresh Precipiation Rate Precipiation Rate - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-preciprate-inph-surface
Rapid-Refresh Severe Weather Potential Severe Weather Potential - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-cape-jkg-surface
Rapid-Refresh Surface Wind Gusts Surface Wind Gusts - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-gust-mph-surface
Rapid-Refresh Temperature Near Surface Temperature Near Surface - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-temp-f-2meter
Rapid-Refresh Total Cloud Cover Total Cloud Cover - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-cloud-total
Rapid-Refresh Updraft Potential Updraft Potential - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-srh-jkg-0-1km
Rapid-Refresh Visibility Visibility - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-visibility-miles-surface
Rapid-Refresh Wind Speed Above Surface Wind Speed Above Surface - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-windspeed-mph-#mb
Rapid-Refresh Wind Speed Near Surface Wind Speed Near Surface - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-windspeed-mph-10meter
Rapid-Refresh Wind Vector Above Surface Wind Vector Above Surface - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-windvector-#mb
Rapid-Refresh Wind Vector Near Surface Wind Vector Near Surface - Rapid Refresh 200 350 3 km CONUS hrrr-windvector-10meter
Point Forecasts NDFD Forecasts (hourly & daily) Point Forecasts 200 350 5 km CONUS
Point Forecasts Baron Global (BGFS) Forecasts (hourly & daily) Point Forecasts 300 500 11 km Global
Historical 1 year % of Normal Rainfall Normal Rainfall – 1 Year Percentage 500 750 4 km CONUS C09-0x0391-0
Historical 1 Year Drought Severity Index Drought Severity – 1 Year 500 750 4 km CONUS C09-0x0393-0
Historical 30 day % of Normal Rainfall Normal Rainfall – 30 Day Percentage 500 750 4 km CONUS C09-0x0390-0
Historical 30 day Drought Severity Index Drought Severity – 30 Day 500 750 4 km CONUS C09-0x0392-0
Historical Drought Monitor Drought Monitor 500 750 2 km CONUS drought-monitor
Historical 24 Hour Temperature Change 24 Hour Temperature Change 500 750 10 km CONUS C39-0x0356-0
Historical Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Wet Bulb Globe Temperature 500 750 10 km CONUS C09-0x033B-0
Historical Hi Res Current Air Temperature Air Temperature 500 750 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EA-0
Historical Hi Res Current Dew Point Temperature Dew Point Temperature 500 750 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EB-0
Historical Hi Res Current Wind Chill Temperature Wind Chill Temperature 500 750 3 km CONUS C39-0x03ED-0
Historical Hi Res Current Heat Index Temperature Heat Index Temperature 500 750 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EC-0
Historical Hi Res Current Humidity Humidity 500 750 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EE-0
Historical Hi Res Current Wind Speed Wind Speed 500 750 3 km CONUS C39-0x03EF-0
Historical Fire/Smoke/Ash plumes Fire/Smoke/Ash 500 750 4 km CONUS C09-0x0396-0
Historical Hi Resolution 1 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 3 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 6 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 12 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 24 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 48Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 72Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 120Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 168Hour Rainfall Accumulation Composite Rainfall Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Rainfall Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-liquidaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 1 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 3 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 6 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 12 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 24 Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 48Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 72Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 120Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 168Hour Total Accumulation Composite Total Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Total Accumulation 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical Level II - Dual Polarization 3 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Rainfall Accumulation - Single-Site 500 750 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x056F-0
Historical Level II - Dual Polarization 6 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Rainfall Accumulation - Single-Site 500 750 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x0570-0
Historical Level II - Dual Polarization 12 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Rainfall Accumulation - Single-Site 500 750 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x0571-0
Historical Level II - Dual Polarization 24 Hour Rainfall Accumulation Rainfall Accumulation - Single-Site 500 750 1/4 km 150 miles {site}-0x0572-0
Historical Lightning Lightning 750 Strike by Strike Global lightning; lightning_alt
Historical Chlorophyll Chlorophyll 500 750 4.6 km Global chlorophyll
Historical Global Ocean Currents Speed Ocean Currents - Speed 500 750 9 km Global oceancurrent-speed-kts-surface
Historical Global Ocean Currents Vector Ocean Currents - Vector 500 750 9 km Global oceancurrent-vector-surface
Historical Global Sea Surface Temperatures (F and C) Sea Surface Temperatures (Global) 500 750 4.6 km Global seatemp-f-surface; seatemp-c-surface
Historical Northern Hemisphere Sea Surface Temperatures (F and C) Sea Surface Temperatures (US) 500 750 1 km Atlantic/Pacific seatemp-conus-f-surface; seatemp-conus-c-surface
Historical Sea Ice Sea Ice 500 750 9km Global seaice
Historical Wave Direction with (near shore correction) Wave Direction 500 750 4 km Global wavedirection
Historical Wave Height in M and FT (with near shore correction) Wave Height 500 750 4 km Global waveheight-ft; waveheight-m
Historical Wave Period (with near shore correction) Wave Period 500 750 4 km Global waveperiod-s
Historical METARs Current Conditions/METARs (Global) 500 750 Airports Global metar
Historical Global METARS 500 750 Global
Historical Fog Fog 500 750 10 km CONUS C39-0x0347-0
Historical Local Storm Reports Local Storm Reports (US) 500 750 na CONUS lsr
Historical Alaska Radar Mosaic Alaskan Radar 500 750 4 km Alaska C09-0x0340-0
Historical Australian Radar Austalian Radar 650 750 2 km Australia C50-0x030F-0
Historical Canadian Radar Composite Reflectivity Canadian Radar 650 750 1 km Canada C09-0x0305-0
Historical Canadian Radar Composite Reflectivity Canadian Radar 650 750 2 km Canada C01-0x0306-0
Historical Global Satellite Derived Reflectivity - CONUS Clipped Global Derived Radar - Clipped 500 750 4 km Global C09-0x0395-0
Historical Global Satellite Derived Reflectivity Global Derived Radar 500 750 4 km Global C09-0x0374-0
Historical Hawaii Radar Mosaic Hawaiian Radar 500 750 4 km Hawaii C09-0x0342-0
Historical North American Radar Mosaic North American Radar 500 750 1 km US, PR and Canada north-american-radar
Historical Netherlands Radar Netherlands Radar 500 750 1 km Netherlands nld-reflectivity
Historical Level III - Maximum Reflectivity Composite US Standard Radar 500 750 2 km CONUS C39-0x0302-0
Historical Road Temperature Pavement Temperature 500 750 1 km CONUS pavement-temp-current
Historical Current Threats Driver Threats 500 750 7 km CONUS W01-0x0331-0
Historical Current Weather Driver Weather 500 750 7 km CONUS W01-0x0304-0
Historical Hi Resolution Current Road Conditions High-Res Road Conditions 500 750 1 km CONUS road-condition-current-hires
Historical Worldwide IR satellite Infrared Satellite (Global) 500 750 10 km Global C09-0x0316-0
Historical GOES 16 CONUS Visible Satellite Visible Satellite (GOES-East) 500 750 1/2 km goes-east-fulldisk-hires-visible
Historical GOES 16 CONUS Infrared Satellite Infrared Satellite (GOES-East) 500 750 2 km goes-east-fulldisk-hires-ir
Historical GOES 16 CONUS Water Vapor Satellite Water Vapor (GOES-East) 500 750 2 km goes-east-conus-water-vapor
Historical GOES 17 West Coast Water Vapor Satellite Water Vapor (GOES-West) 500 750 2 km goes-west-pacific-water-vapor
Historical CONUS Baron Shear Markers Critical Weather Indicators 500 750 Red = Tilt 1 / Yellow = Tilts 2-4 CONUS shear_marker
Historical National Moaic - Shear Rate Damaging Wind 500 750 1 km X 256 colors CONUS C39-0x0387-0
Historical National Moaic - Shear Swath Damaging Wind Path 500 750 1 km X 256 colors CONUS C39-0x03A1-0
Historical National Moaic - Hail Swath Severe Hail Path 500 750 1 km X 256 colors CONUS C39-0x038A-0
Historical Level III - Echo Tops Composite Storm Tops 500 750 1 km X 16 colors CONUS C39-0x0311-0
Historical Baron Storm Vectors Storm Vectors – Response Format; Storm Vectors – Request Parameters 500 750 CONUS stormvector
Historical Level III - VIL Density Composite Hail Size 500 750 1 km X 16 colors CONUS C39-0x0310-0
Historical 50kt Wind/Tropical Storm/Hurricane Wind Probability 50 Knot Wind Probability 500 750 2.5 km CONUS nhc-probability-50kt-wind
Historical 50kt Wind - Atlantic Ocean 50 Knot Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean 500 750 2.5 km Atlantic Ocean nhc-atlantic-probability-50kt-wind
Historical 50kt Wind - Pacific Ocean 50 Knot Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean 500 750 2.5 km Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean nhc-pacific-probability-50kt-wind
Historical NHC Hurricane Force Wind Probability Hurricane Force Wind Probability 500 750 2.5 km Atlantic and Pacific Ocean nhc-probability-hurricane
Historical NHC Hurricane Force Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean Hurricane Force Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean 500 750 2.5 km Atlantic Ocean nhc-atlantic-probability-hurricane
Historical NHC Hurricane Force Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean Hurricane Force Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean 500 750 2.5 km Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean nhc-pacific-probability-hurricane
Historical NHC Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability 500 750 2.5 km Atlantic and Pacific Ocean nhc-probability-tropical-storm
Historical NHC Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability - Atlantic Ocean 500 750 2.5 km Atlantic Ocean nhc-atlantic-probability-tropical-storm
Historical NHC Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability - Pacific Ocean 500 750 2.5 km Pacific Ocean nhc-pacific-probability-tropical-storm
Historical Forecast TPW (Total Precipitable Water) Precipitable Water 500 750 4 km Equator to 71N lat, -30 to -150 lon precipitablewater-in-total; precipitablewater-mm-total
Historical NOAA Storm Surge (SLOSH) Storm Surge 500 750 Meters CONUS potential-storm-surge
Historical Tropical Storm and Hurricane Track History Historical Tropical Track Cone Forecasts 500 750 na Atlantic and Pacific Ocean tropical/tropical_history/us/all
Historical Hi Resolution 1 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 3 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 6 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 12 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 24 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 48 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 72 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 120 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Hi Resolution 168 Hour Snowfall Accumulation Composite Snow Accumulation - Products codes for each hour are listed under the Snow Accumulation product on developer's site 500 750 1 km CONUS precip-snowaccum-#hr
Historical Max Reflectivity Australian Radar - Composite 650 1 km Australia aus-max-reflectivity
Historical Base Reflectivity Australian Radar 650 1 km Australia aus-base-reflectivity
Historical Echo Tops Storm Tops (Australia) 650 1 km Australia aus-echo-tops
Historical RBF Wind Speed Wind Speed (Australia) 650 1 km Australia aus-windspeed
Historical RBF Wind Gust Wind Gust (Australia) 650 1 km Australia aus-gust
Historical Total Accumulation (1,3,6,12,24,48,72,96,120,144 and 168 hours) Precipitation Rate (Australia) 650 1 km Australia aus-precip-totalaccum-#hr
Historical 6 Hour Flood Potential Flood Potential - 6 Hour (Australia) 650 1 km Australia aus-precip-annual-pct-6hr
Historical Hail Size Hail Size (Australia) 650 1 km Australia aus-hail-size
Historical Severe Weather Severe Threats (Australia) 650 1 km Australia aus-severe-wx