XMWX Satellite Weather
Baron weather data has been transmitted over SiriusXM satellites for over two decades as part of the XMWX Satellite Weather service. Delivering live, high-quality weather data to locations other terrestrial delivery methods can’t reach.
The XMWX data service keeps you safe in the air and on the water. Available on a variety of portal devices and used with the Baron Mobile link Bluetooth device, it provides freedom in the cockpit from extra cables and wires.
The service offers a variety of continuously delivered weather information designed to promote weather safety and confidence.
Learn More
Cockpit Weather
Marine Weather
Decades of Service
Pilots trust XMWX weather to get them there safely.
Our cockpit weather solutions are designed to keep pilots weather-aware before, during, and after every flight. The high-resolution weather data is continuously delivered to the cockpit for increased situational awareness.
Identify hazardous weather conditions with aviation-specific data delivered directly to your avionics display, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
You can access real-time weather when you need it most by using a satellite receiver and one of the in-cockpit devices supporting the service.
Review our other aviation products and services if you need weather data integrated into your operations.
Avoid rough seas and seek pleasurable days on the water.
Delivering live, high-quality weather data to locations that other terrestrial delivery methods can’t reach, the XMWX data service keeps you safe. Easily enhance your situational awareness with our continuous access to high-resolution weather data packed with marine conditions and designed for offshore locations.
Don't let unexpected weather surprises catch you off guard – trust our extensive data coverage to provide the most accurate forecasts and real-time updates. Review our other maritime products and services if you're in the shipping business. We know that staying on schedule is a key to success.
A strong partnership delivering weather awareness.
Baron has provided reliable and accurate weather data to the XMWX Satellite Weather Service for over 20 years. We are proud to partner with SiriusXM to deliver confidence and peace of mind to boaters and pilots when the weather is at its worst and best.
Thousands Trust Baron to Weatherproof Their World
Weather Information for Sea and Air

Aviation and Marine Data Packages
XMWX Satellite Weather offers a selection of industry-specific packages with high-quality, current, and forecasted weather conditions delivered in real-time by powerful satellites. Standard data across all packages:
- Current Conditions
- High-Resolution Radar
- Lightning
- Satellite (Clouds)

Aviation Data
As the data provider for XMWX Satellite Weather, we provide tens of thousands of pilots nationwide with critical weather intelligence in the cockpit. Specialized aviation data includes numerous products specifically for use in the cockpit:
- Forecast/Warnings
- Winds Aloft
- Turbulence
- Icing
Satellite Weather Solutions
Get More Information
Our cockpit weather solutions are meticulously crafted to ensure you remain fully informed about weather conditions before, during, and after each flight or voyage.
You can manage your XMWX Satellite Weather subscription with SiriusXM and learn about SiriusXM weather solutions.
Continuous In-flight Weather
Our cutting-edge technology, specifically designed for pilots by pilots, delivers high-resolution weather data directly to the cockpit and enhances situational awareness throughout the journey.
Be Prepared Off-Shore
Stay ahead of unpredictable weather with our high-resolution comprehensive data and marine conditions, ensuring you're never caught off guard and can navigate confidently.
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